"?????" -Jordan
I rather liked the opening this week with the teams not knowing where they were due to the moving nature of the pit stop. It reminded me of Lost... No, not Lost as in Oceanic 815, but rather the reality show that premiered at roughly the same time as The Amazing Race on NBC. In that show, teams of 2 were dropped in the middle of nowhere, and they had to find their way back to a predetermined locale. It was entertaining, and this was a nice mini-hybridization of that, which was cool.
Unfortunately, because the travel had taken place during the mandatory rest periods, the leg was going to be extremely difficult for Jeff and Jordan. I particularly thought they were dead when we saw them leave the pits so late compared to the other teams. I hadn't realized they were that far back. It would take a miracle...
The Detectives, after a really slow start to the season, are coming along nicely. At this point they're definitely the team to beat, but based on the physical conditioning of Louie, they're beatable. On the other hand, Cowboys Jet and Cord continue to do well and are really the dark horses, if you ask me.
The pacing of this season has been really odd, and that continues in this episode. Throughout this season teams have been showing up and completing tasks without us ever seeing any reference shots. Now, there's no roadblock... what's up? Maybe that crawl was harder than it looked, but it was just 100 yards. I like roadblocks because I like one member having to stand on his/her own feet... ah well, next week!
With regard to the U-Turn, I'm of two minds. On the one hand, I probably wouldn't use it if I were out in front, particularly a Blind U-Turn where it's obvious I did it... On the other, if I was fighting for first in a leg and another team was on my heels, then it's fair game all the way... those prizes are pretty nice. They won $5,000 because they were willing to play the game. I don't begrudge those guys that. I don't even begrudge their other more personal reasoning. Joe shot his mouth off in range of other teams... teams they were losing to. So, they got slapped down. However, it's not like their team had done the mental challenge and were forced back to do the physical one... his knee wasn't the determining factor, thinking dot dot dot equals dash did... stupidity.
In the end, I'm glad to see Jordan and Jeff still in it, but I doubt they're long for the game. What do you think? Can they rally?
3.5/5 wizards
Personally I favor the cowboys. I really like them. I thought Jordan was putting on an act in Big Brother, but now I can see...she really is not very bright. To continue much further, Jeff will have to step up his game & I don't know if he's capable of doing just that. It turns out that he's not as smart as I thought at first either. Jeff & Jordan deserve each other.